Vegan Indian Feast!

First of all, thank you guys so much for your wonderful and supportive comments! My choice to eat or not eat dairy and eggs is still up in the air, but I’m thinking I’m going to slowly add them back into my diet in moderation. Tomorrow I’ll try to get my cholesterol checked and we’ll see what happens!

Last night (Saturday) I was hanging out at my neighbors apartment, and we decided to stay in and cook! (Seriously, that might be my favorite kind of Saturday night!) Since my exposure to Indian food has been quite limited, they decided to expand my horizons!!

There was a variety of foods on our menu, noodles, basmati rice, and a chickpea dish. There was lots of cooking going on in the kitchen, and I just watched the magic happen!

The finished product: Curry noodles w/ mushrooms, Basmati rice, and chickpeas. YUM! Seriously, this was so good. It was really spicy, but I love spicy food, so it was right up my alley 🙂

These guys know how to cook! And of course, no dinner would be complete without a mug of chai tea 🙂

Made with soymilk, of course!

Have you ever made Indian food? All of this was “naturally vegan” (although apparently it’s common to add chicken to the chickpea dish.) I’m hoping the boys will be nice enough to teach me some of their skills! 😉

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend! Hopefully for my next post, I’ll have my cholesterol results!

11 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Looks and sounds delicious 🙂

  2. 2

    I haven’t made Indian food yet, but I am going to be making something Indian this week for my “Worldy Wednesday” post. No idea what exactly I will make but I am sure it will be fun experimenting!

  3. 3

    emily said,

    I LOVE Indian food, and my fave was always made by an Indian friend who knew how to cook it just right…so much better than restaurant-style. I miss her cooking a lot!

  4. 4

    Indian is definitely one of my favorite types of cuisine. I’ve never made authentic dishes at home, but I have made my own spin-offs before! 🙂

  5. 5

    Monet said,

    I adore Indian food, and I wish we ate it more often. I’m looking for a good vegan Indian recipe book because I need to start making more of it at home. Thank you for sharing. I hope your week brims with hope and joy.

  6. 6

    Kath (Eating for Living) said,

    I like Indian food, and when I was a child, my Mom started to engage in some Ayurvedic cooking, so we ate a lot of it. Ghee and basmati rice have remained until today in my Mom’s kitchen, and I also cook everything with ghee. (This may be one the few things that isn’t naturally vegan in Ayurvedic cuisine because it’s made from butter, but a lot of dishes are at least vegetarian.) In the case you decide to eat dairy again, I recommend you to try ghee with all my heart! It’s dairy without dairy actually, because all the allergenic substances (dairy protein and sugar) are filteres out, and the remaining pure butter fat is just incredibly yummy and healthy and perfect for cooking. 😉 Indian dishes are also perfect for vegans because you always have some kind of lentil or chickpea dish that provides some protein.

  7. 7

    I love Indian food and have dabbled with a recipe or two before. I’m a little intimidated to make these recipes since they’re out of my comfort zone. But plan to give it more time to try.

  8. 8

    Grace Dickinson said,

    Becoming vegan is definitely a commitment, one which I haven’t fully taken yet. However, my philosophy is that I just minimize the amount of dairy I consume, and consider it as a treat. I always use soy milk instead of milk, but do occasionally enjoy a couple of eggs, or brie, my favorite cheese. But in general, I cook vegan. Like you mentioned in your last post, it’s healthier if done consciously, and the dairy industry is horrendous.

  9. 9

    As you may have noticed, I’ve been OBSESSED with vegan Indian food lately. I might as well rename my blog “Vegan Indian food and recipes” for the next month. Hahaha. Yum!

    And I think you’re wise to moderate your veganism. For me, it is more realistic to eat 95% vegan, with the occasional egg or fish or whatever. It takes the pressure off. 😉

  10. 10

    Saturday night cooking fests are the best! I love Indian food–lots of chickpeas, curry, etc.

    Hope the cholesterol check went well 🙂

  11. 11

    […] all sorts of foods I never would have tried. Nutritional yeast, soy yogurt, coconut milk, falafel, indian food… It’s not like these foods are for vegans only, I just hadn’t pushed myself out […]

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