Posts tagged dinnerware

Nightime Snacking- Yes or No?

Ok, I admit it. I’m a big night time snacker! It isn’t really a huge issue, because I don’t normally snack during the day. The problem is, by “saving” my daily calories for night time snacks mean that I’m saving my fuel for a time in the day when I don’t need it!

Yesterday, I went on an afternoon run, a couple hours after my breakfast. I wasn’t hungry, but wasn’t overly full, and it was the perfect balance for my run. I ran 4 miles, which is a lot for me! (I haven’t been running much lately.) I realized that a lot of times, I work out on very little fuel, and its no wonder I get tired! But in order to maintain balance, I need to move my meals around.

So my new goal is no snacks after 8pm.

Now I have to be realistic, and know that some days I don’t get HOME until 8pm, and I’m not going to skip dinner just because it’s after 8! The point is that most of my night time snacking is just… well, snacking. It’s not like I need the energy right before bed! So I’m going to try to eat more during the day, and see if it helps my workouts!

How do you guys feel about bedtime snacks? Do you usually eat something before bed? Do you prefer your snacks during the day? Or do you just skip snacks all together? (I don’t think I could skip them!!!)


My mom and I are a lot alike. A LOT alike. I realize this more and more everyday, and I’m not complaining, because my mom is pretty cool, and I can only hope to be as amazing as she is! But one thing we differ on is the practicality of dinnerware 😉

Growing up, we had plain dishes. Every dish matched the others, and that’s how my mom liked it. She knew a lot of the “stylish” dishes, would be out of style before you knew it, and then you’d have to get new dishes! I remember I would beg for a brightly colored bowl, or that odd shaped ice cream dish. Every so often, she’d give in, and then we’d have a bowl or a plate that only I would use 🙂 (Mom, that multicolored ceramic bowl is STILL my favorite chip bowl!!!) So despite all of our likeness, I just had to buy this bowl when I found it at TJ Maxx last night.

How cute is that?? This is actually the middle size of a 3 bowl set. They were on clearance, and too adorable to pass up. Mom, I’m sorry for the impracticality of these bowls, and I know they’ll never match anything else, but you have to admit, they’re pretty darn cute 😉

What do you guys think? Do you dishes match, or do you just have a random assortment of favorites?



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