Vegan Travels… Here We Go!

Hello friends!

The “what does a vegan eat” question gets asked even more when traveling. It could get a little tricky this week, but I’ve never been somewhere that I couldn’t eat ANYTHING! So I’m sure it’ll be fine 🙂 Do you guys have any tips/tricks for traveling? (I’m sure if you’re vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, lactose intolerant, or just a generally picky eater 😉 , you’ve got some good tips to share!)

Anyways, I’m heading to Manhattan today… so updates to come!

But since I’m a little behind on posting (oops) let’s back up. Yesterday I was at the grocery store and I passed this interesting little bag of deliciousness…

Has anyone seen these Mr. Wheat snacks? It’s sort of like Moon Pop but it has a little more flavor. (There we’re four different varieties, I decided to try the honey flavor!) So these little cakes are sort of like rice cakes, but the hint of honey ads a nice hint of sweetness. Now let’s be clear, these aren’t exactly snack-right-from-the-bag-tasty. They certainly aren’t like eating a potato chip or anything, but with only 120 calories in half the bag (which is a pretty big bag) it’s a low calorie snack that ALSO manages to back in 4g of fiber, and 3g of protein. I had mine in place of crackers with some vegan chili, and it was a nice crunchy addition to my meal. (But seriously, a serving of these is a lot of munching, so I only had a few of the cakes, which clock in at 16 calories each.) I also tried them topped with some Better’n Peanut Butter, and that was pretty tasty too 🙂 I’m not sure if these will be a snack food regular, but they certainly were different!

I also had  a delicious mug of soy chai tea from my lovely friend/neighbor. (I love having friends in my building!)

This smelled so good and tasted amazing! I’ll have to post the recipe another time, because he hasn’t shown me how to make it yet 🙂

Have you ever had Chai Tea? Do you have any other winter-drink favorites?

I’ll be posting from NYC later! I hope you’re all having a good start to the week!



13 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Hey, thanks for visiting my blog 🙂
    When you’re at a restaurant and there’s nothing on the menu that you can eat, the chef can often “mix meals”. You can take for example, two side dishes and ask for them on one plate or two appetizers. You can also ask for lasagna but ask them to put extra sauce on top instead of cheese. Most restaurants often offer a vegetarian meal already so to make it vegan shouldn’t be that hard for them.
    Anywayyyy, I look forward to keep reading your blog!
    Have a great week,

  2. 2

    Chai is one of my favorites! I love Rooibos as well. And I can’t get enough of of the seasonal Celestial Seasonings sugar cookie sleigh ride when it comes out! 🙂

  3. 4

    120 calories for half the bag – nice! And it sounds like they’re another reason to break into the jar of Better’n Peanut Butter. Thanks for the tip.

  4. 5

    emily said,

    My best tip is to pack your own food when you can. 🙂 If you can supplement things you find on the road with things from home, it usually works out. You can also ask for specific things at restaurants; they’re usually pretty accommodating.

  5. 6

    Mimi said,

    Well, I’m not a vegan, but I refuse to eat crap just because I’m travelling. I stick to fruit and nuts. Sometimes I pack a couple of foodbars. But I rarely wind up eating them. I think it’s kind of pointless to get too worked up over dining choices. It’s like people who claim they can never find a healthy option at a certain restaurant. Most of the time, they just aren’t looking. There may not -seem- like there are vegan options, but Í have a feeling you can find something anywhere if you have use a dash of creativity.

  6. 8

    Have fun in NYC! I love those crispy wheat snacks. The apple cinnamon is really good, and so is the onion and garlic. I tried to find the honey but we don’t have it here. I agree it’s a lot of munching for one serving, but I find they satisfy my craving for crunchy foods pretty well.

  7. 10

    love chai tea 🙂 also like some raspberry rose tea and soy lattes to get the chill out of my bones.

    as far as being out and about and eating,being gluten/lactose/casein/egg intolerant can make things UBER tricky. so, ii ALWAYS have a larabar and an apple with.
    when dining out, almost EVERY place has a basic salad and baked potato. that’s usually how i roll 🙂

  8. 11

    I would definitely check out yelp if I were you- they’re soooo helpful in finding out a LOT about the menu and atmosphere of each restaurant!

    Happy travels!

  9. 12

    I’ve never seen these things! Look pretty yummy for a quick snack! maybe with some nuttzo smeared ontop 😉


  10. 13

    Vegan in New York? I think you’ll be just fine! 🙂

    I heard they have a ton of vegan bakeries in NYC plus lots of resturaunts.

    Have fun!

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