Manhattan Explorations!

So we successfully made it to Manhattan last night! I haven’t been to NYC since high school, so it’s been fun getting to explore the city. The girls and I went out with some friends from an ad agency here, and they took us to Dos Caminos for some of the worlds best guacamole, to Sweet Revenge for cupcakes, and to a “speak easy” for drinks. Quite a night, that’s for sure! I was a bad food blogger, and only took a picture of the cupcake, (which wasn’t vegan, so I didn’t partake) but it looked amazing! The picture doesn’t do it justice!


For breakfast this morning, I had a Full bar which I’d never tried before.


I didn’t love it, but it was pretty good. I suppose it did it’s job of keeping me relatively full, but I also ate it with a granny smith apple! Have you guys tried these before?


I had a delicious veggie pita for lunch, with some split pea soup from Cafe Metro.

The pita was stuffed with sprouts & avocado, which are two of my favorite things to put in a pita. I love the creaminess of the avocado and the crunch of the sprouts. YUM! What’s your favorite thing to put in a pita?

11 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    That pita looks lovely! Avocado and me are BFFs! πŸ™‚

  2. 2

    juliakatz1996 said,

    You try to make the cupcake vegan!

  3. 3

    Oh my gosh, that pita sandwich is stuffed to the brim! Looks so good!

  4. 4

    Take that pita sandwich with lots of sprouts & avocado and toss in a bunch of onions, diced tomatoes and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and I’m in heaven. I could eat veggie pitas all the time.

  5. 5

    I love the huge slices of avocado in your pita. Mmmm I must pick up an avocado ASAP!

  6. 6

    Your pita looks incredible! Avocado makes everything a little prettier, doesn’t it?! And the cupcake looks scrumptious, too πŸ™‚

    My favorite thing to put in a pita is peanut butter, honey, banana, and sunflower seeds. A close second would be falafel with hummus and lots of veggies.

    Looks like a fun time out in NYC!

  7. 7

    I love putting falafel in pitas! So delicious. That pita looked amazing. Glad you’re having a good time.

  8. 8

    oh my that pita looks incredible. avocado makes everything better πŸ™‚

  9. 9

    that pita is making me drool! i love when people chop up carrots matchstick style for in sandwiches! creamy avocado and sprouts are two of my faves too! ❀

  10. 11

    emily said,

    sounds like a fun trip so far! the cupcake does look amazing!
    love the avocado in that pita, too! i love falafel in pitas or just cukes + tomatoes. so good!

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